Warranty Information

Field Turf Warranty
RYCO guarantees workmanship and materials. Warranted free from material defects for a period of one (1) year after completion of the time of original installation, provided the turf has received adequate care and has not been damaged as a result of anything beyond ordinary wear and tear. Any alterations to the site after the installation has been completed will void this warranty, such as but not limited to theft, fire, vandalism, utility trenching, change of grade and surrounding conditions. Warranty work on the FieldTurf will be performed only when the maintenance fee has been paid in full by the due date and the client is current with any other of their RYCO receivables.

Hardscape Warranty
Warranted for two (2) years from the date of original installation for workmanship and materials, provided general care has been maintained and the ground underneath has not been disturbed or altered.

Irrigation Warranty
Irrigation systems installed by RYCO Landscaping will be warranted for one (1) year from the date of original installation for workmanship and materials, provided the irrigation system has received adequate maintenance, unless RYCO Landscaping is hired to perform the maintenance, and the system has not been damaged as a result of anything beyond ordinary wear and tear. The irrigation system will be repaired within that one (1) year period free of charge.

Lighting Warranty
Lighting systems installed by RYCO Landscaping will be warranted for one (1) year from the date of original installation for workmanship and materials, provided the lighting system has received adequate maintenance, unless RYCO Landscaping is hired to perform the maintenance, and the system has not been damaged as a result of anything beyond ordinary wear and tear. The lighting system will be repaired within that one (1) year period free of charge.

Plant Material Warranty
Trees and shrubs will be warranted for one (1) year from the date of original installation for workmanship and materials, provided the plants have received adequate care and water by the client, unless RYCO Landscaping is hired to water, and the plants have not died as a result of insect disease, theft, fire, vandalism, or negligence. Plants will be replaced one time, free of charge, with a similar plant as is available. If RYCO determines that suitable replacements cannot be offered, the purchase price applicable to that failed tree will be credited toward other material or services. Annuals, perennials, plants previously replaced, transplanted from existing landscape, or plants installed in containers are not covered under the one-year warranty.
In order to be eligible for replacement under this provision, the plants must have received conscientious and continuous care in accordance with the Watering Instructions that are provided on RYCO’s website, www.rycolandscaping.com. To view the instructions, click on Resources and select RYCO Brochures. Under the Tools and Helpful Information, you will find the Watering Instructions.
If fences, walls, sprinklers, or any other obstructions prevent ready access to where replacements are to be made, it is understood that the Owner will assume the cost of providing unobstructed access.

Hydroseed, Seed, Seed and Blanket and Sod Warranty
There is no warranty for hydroseed, seed and/or seed and blanket. RYCO will warranty sod installed for thirty (30) days from the date of original installation for workmanship and materials, provided the sod has received adequate care by the client, unless RYCO Landscaping is hired to water, and the sod has not died as a result of fire, vandalism, or negligence. Sod will be replaced one time, free of charge.

General Warranty Comments
RYCO does not warrant against efflorescence and or water stains of any sort developing on brick, tile, or stone veneer installed on a concrete slab, sand bed, or mortared in place.
It is specifically understood and agreed that no warranty work (repair work after initial acceptance) will be performed by RYCO until all outstanding debts owed to RYCO by the Owner have been paid.
To submit a warranty claim, please visit www.rycolandscaping.com. RYCO reserves the right to inspect your concern, and review against all pertinent correspondence. A RYCO representative will respond to your claim within ten (10) working days. Replacement or repair, if warranted, will occur at the appropriate seasonable time.