Layers of FieldTurf when installed
When FieldTurf is installed properly, the process ensures the 15-20 year life expectancy, performance and appearance of your new lawn. The patented installation process begins with the preparation of the area. Several inches of the existing landscaping is removed and hauled away. A specially blended, crushed rock base is brought in and compacted to create the ideal foundation. The synthetic grass is then custom cut to fit your area and securely attached. Finally, an infill is used to keep the blades erect and to provide for the perfect natural grass “feel” underfoot. This unique installation process will provide for the safest, most effective and most durable surface. After installation, the only maintenance is to rake it with a leaf rake a few times a year to stand up the fibers and remove any debris that may have settled on top. Installation of FieldTurf should be by a licensed installer to ensure that it will last as long as the 15-20 year life expectancy. When the professionals install FieldTurf, the result will be a low maintenance, lush, green and durable “lawn”.
Look for next week’s post on how FieldTurf will help you go green.